Category Archives: architecture

South Water Street…Providence, RI

It was a cold and blustery day in the city, but had to come out to get these shots. The Street (photography) keeps calling me. Ok!!!! I’m reloaded. 




Under the Bridge

“I don’t ever want to feel like I did that day. Take me to the place I love. Take me all the way.”-Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Those are the words that rang into my head as I took these photos under the Mount Hope Bridge in Bristol, RI.  Enjoy.

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Childhood Memories…Rocky Point Park

Thinking back to my childhood growing up in Rhode Island one place stood out as the place to go for  fun and games during the summertime months.  Rocky Point Park in Warwick, RI.  A group of friends and I purposely signed up to be crossing guards in elementary school solely for one thing…to be able to get a day out of school the last week to have fun at Rocky Point.  From the infamous Corkscrew Coaster, which I never had the guts to go on(weak stomach), to the Free Fall, Cyclone Coaster, Musik Express, and my all time favorite the Flume Rocky Point Park was truly a place where a kid(and some adults) could be a kid.  Unfortunately in 1996 all of the parks rides and attractions were sold to the highest bidder.

Today I was able  to walk on the place where I have some of my favorite childhood memories and was able to get a few shots of my and many peoples childhood.

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